我們的團隊給予直接和個人化的經驗,涵蓋范圍廣泛,并且專精于創作符合市場的應用。我們提供綜合性的解決方案,能依據表現層級、環境狀況、法規要求和工業標準,與我們進入的每個市場配對。顥天電子位于發掘新興市場和引導客戶捕獲利用這些市場機會的第一線。 我們也放眼新的世界,以做足準備跟隨市場邁進。
Procurement |
Relieve the purchasing pressure by ensuring that it is difficult to find, outdated or short of parts quickly, safely and reliably. |
Inventory management |
Minimize risks and maximize resources through excess/excess inventory and inventory optimization. |
Integrated system function |
Simplify the distribution process through our proprietary system. |
product management |
Rely on our component procurement expert team to identify/analyze supply trends that are critical to your business. |
Q360 quality |
Our quality inspection is conducted by certified and highly trained industry engineers and inspectors to reduce risks: logistics and compliance. |
Global layout |
With the support of the global headquarters of North America, EMEA, Asia-Pacific and global regional offices, expand the global scope. |